UK PBS Alliance
UK Positive Behaviour Support Alliance
Leading the development of PBS to improve quality of life for all
The UK PBSA is a partnership of organisations focused on improving quality of life of people whose behaviour may challenge services, and those providing support.
Facilitated by Bild, the PBSA is a network of the Association for Positive Behaviour Support.
Our Vision
A society where:
- People at risk of presenting behaviours of concern and being subject restrictive practices - and their families and carers - are supported to live well and have good quality of life
- Those providing support are well trained and effectively led to meet the needs of people supported in health, community and school settings.
- Organisations and services know what is required to provide good support and this is directly informed by people with lived experience.
- Best practice and solutions are shared widely, and those providing support influence research, training and policy agendas through Communities of Practice.
Who is PBSA?
The PBSA is an umbrella organisation for 15-20 PBS Communities of Practice. Communities are focussed on specific professions, sectors or geographic areas. Members include families and carers, self-advocacy groups, care providers, government, and research organisations. Our work is guided by a Steering Group.
We also have links to the Home and Community PBS Network, PBS Europe, PBS Academy, and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation.
What we do
- Listen to views of members and use feedback to influence decisions
- Provide opportunities to connect and share information
- Support the development of high-quality resources
- Include experiences, ideas and concerns of communities in national discussions
- Offer support and encouragement in individual organisation’s journeys in PBS
- Raise awareness of PBS throughout our sector and professional networks
PBSA Communities of Practice
PBSA Communities exist as autonomous networks, linked through the Alliance. The Communities are represented on the Steering Group.
Communities of Practice bring together professionals, people with lived experience, families and carers, and provide a supportive space to share ideas, resources and experiences. They work together to problem-solve, develop knowledge, and discuss how this translates to practice.
Our Communities connect, sharing knowledge and awareness of PBS throughout their regional or professional networks. They provide opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and resources for their members.
We have recently surveyed the members of our communities to help us understand how they are using PBS in their practice and what the Alliance can do to help improve their experiences. You can view a full breakdown of the results of this survey here.
We welcome all communities and networks who share the purpose and vision of the UK PBSA.