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30 March 2021

Positive Behaviour Support Helpline: New dates for Support Group Sessions

Bild is continuing to provide small group sessions, via Zoom, for family members and carers of people with learning disabilities.

These sessions are co-facilitated by our PBS consultants and family members of people with learning disabilities who are training to become PBS Peer Educators. We have been able to extend these support group sessions, and are pleased to offer sessions throughout April.

“…It feels like a safety net, and I was definitely held in the safety net today”

The overall aim of PBS is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. PBS is especially appropriate when someone is distressed or if their behaviour is concerning or challenging.

Whether you want to discuss how you are doing, gain reassurance that you are doing the right thing, or whether you want to talk through some ideas and get some practical suggestions, you’re welcome at these group sessions.

“It’s been so helpful to have someone to help me get focused & give reminders about what to do.”

Everyone knows it helps to talk to someone who understands their situation, and family and friends will always be a person’s first choice. However, sometimes it helps to talk to someone who is hearing it for the first time and has experience with similar situations. Bild’s qualified and experienced PBS consultants can provide targeted coaching and strategies and the family members co-facilitating these sessions will be able to bring their expertise and insight.

Dates available and booking for sessions can be seen below. Click on the date to book your place:

“Having someone on the other end of the phone has so helped me…this is especially helpful in a Covid world where we can’t meet face to face.”