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21 August 2019

New book review: Understanding and responding to behaviour that challenges in intellectual disabilities (2nd edition)

Dr Edwin Jones (Service Improvement and Research Lead in Glanrhyd Hospital’s Learning Disability and Mental Health Service Delivery Unit, and BILD advisor) explains why he recommends this new book:

Understanding and responding to behaviour that Challenges in Intellectual disabilities (2nd edition).

“This new handbook of PBS can really help you transform lives rather than just talk about the failures of transforming care.
“This book is written for those who live and work directly with people who present behaviour that challenges. It is essential reading and will make an important contribution to empowering families and staff to understand and deliver Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) to enhance the quality of life of the people they support.

“The book aims to be life changing. Accessible, practical summaries of the different aspects of PBS will help everyone involved understand what a person’s behaviour means and how to better meet their needs. We must co-produce alternative, local community solutions based on a PBS framework, if we are to transform people’s lives rather than simply focus on closing hospital beds.

“Royalties from the sale of the book will go to support the excellent work of the Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF). I’d strongly recommend that copies of the book are made easily available to those who want to take practical action to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people whose behaviour can be challenging and the people around them.”

Additionally, Sarah Leitch (PBS Development Manager at BILD), states in her review of the book (which will be published in the International Journal of PBS):

“In the main the language is very accessible and the ideas are explained simply and articulately. It has achieved the editors aim of being both accessible and practical. It is also an optimistic and encouraging read….Immediate change is in the hands of those those that provide direct support and more of this is needed to empower and create change.”