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12 March 2024

Launch of IJPBS online mini-conference 2024

Booking is now open for the International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support Online Conference 2024, International Implementation of PBS: reflections on cultural context and approaches to implementation.

Previously part of pre-conference events for Bild’s International Positive Behaviour Support Conference, this year the IJPBS research event takes place as a standalone, fully online event to support maximum engagement from international colleagues, on 24 April from 1-5pm.

This unique half-day, online conference will focus on the recent Global Perspectives edition of IJPBS, which published papers describing implementation of PBS in the US, Norway, Australia, Ireland, Japan and the Netherlands.

The online event will have presentations connected to each of these papers and facilitate discussions on the international evolution and implementation of PBS.

Registration costs £15.

We are pleased to offer complimentary access to IJPBS subscribers.

Find out more and book here.

Find out more about the journal at