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19 April 2023

APPG on Inappropriate Institutional Care of Autistic People and People with Learning Disabilities

Bild is pleased to perform the role of secretary for the Inappropriate Institutional Care of Autistic People and People with Learning Disabilities All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

Set up in 2022, the group is chaired by Barbara Keeley MP, Shadow Minister for Culture, Media and Sport, and facilitated by people with lived experience.

The mission is to prevent the inappropriate institutional care of autistic people and people with learning disabilities.

Bild believes too many people across Britain continue to live within institutions for prolonged periods rather than in homes within their communities. Too often these placements are inappropriate, highly restrictive, exacerbate issues rather than provide therapeutic care, and vulnerable people become stuck in hospital due to a lack of appropriate community provision.

We are proud to support the APPG, aligning with our work on Homes Not Hospitals, and we look forward to the work of the group developing in 2023.

What is the group’s objective?

Every APPG must register an official objective with Parliament. The objective for this group is:

To provide a cross-party forum to discuss the issue of the detention of autistic people and people with learning disabilities in Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs) and other forms of inappropriate institutional care arrangements and to campaign to reduce the use of ATUs and other forms of inappropriate institutional care arrangements.

What will the APPG discuss?

The group will discuss a range of topics related to preventing inappropriate institutional care for autistic people and people with learning disabilities. This will include prevention, human rights, and the use of solitary confinement.

What is an APPG?

All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) are informal cross-party groups.

They have no official status within Parliament and do not have the power to make laws. APPGs are run by and for Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, though many also involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.

There are APPGs on lots of different topics. You can see the full register of APPGs here.

If you are interested in attending the meeting, please email [email protected]