About Active Support
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About Active Support
Active Support is a way to help people with learning disabilities be more involved in their own daily lives. Active Support changes how we support people. Instead of just taking care of someone, we work together, enabling people to become more independent and take an active role in their own lives. It's about making sure people with learning disabilities can live regular lives.
Living a regular life means feeling valued and accepted in the community. Most people like doing everyday things but might need extra support to do these at home or in their community. Active Support helps people with learning disabilities learn new skills, try different things, and make friends. It supports people to build relationships and social networks, providing more control over their own lives. It recognises the skills people already have and helps them do things they enjoy or try new, exciting activities.

For staff, supporting people this way might not come naturally. Managers and team leaders can help by coaching and mentoring their teams. Without this support, it can be hard for Active Support to become a regular part of the service. Simple tools like activity plans – that are flexible and responsive to personal routines – help staff learn to give the right amount of support at the right time.
Active Support is an inclusive approach to supporting people in all settings. This approach helps people build the activities that are meaningful to them into their lives. When people have interesting lives, good relationships, and the skills they need, they're less likely to do things that make life difficult for themselves and the people around them.