The RRN Training Standards: what service providers need to know

This webinar will provide an overview of what the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards are, what the CQC will be looking for in inspections, the legal & statutory obligations that providers need to know about, and what the implications are for staff training.

The webinar will be of particular interest to service providers and commissioners.

The agenda is as follows:
10:30: Overview of the Standards and why they’re important (Ben Higgins with Aji Lewis)
10:40: Why restraint reduction and the Use of Force Act (Aji Lewis)
10:50: The Training Standards in NHS settings (Emma Wadey, NHS)
11:00: RRN Training Standards (Sarah Leitch, RRN)
11:10: Bild ACT Certification Process (Glyn Connolly, Bild ACT)
11:20: CQC thematic review and focus on reducing restrictive practices (Guy Cross, CQC)
11:30: How Skills for Care are supporting the implementation of the Standards and promoting restraint reduction (Marie Lovell, Skills for Care)
11:40: How the standards are improving training from a training providers’ perspective (Bill Fox, training provider)
11:50: Q&A and discussion panel
12:00: End

Register for the webinar here>


Wednesday, 10 March 2021


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

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