Free family carer webinar – Thursday 24th March! Sleep: understanding sleep issues and promoting sleep hygiene

Are you a family carer? Join us this Thursday (24th March 2022) for a free webinar to discuss sleep issues and ways to promote good sleep hygiene.

Has your child never learned to sleep through the night? Is your family chronically sleep deprived as a result of this?

All children can learn to sleep and although this is can be more challenging for a child or young person with a learning disability, there are ways to overcome the barriers.

In this workshop, we will talk through the barriers and strategies that could help establish a good sleep routine.

This free webinar will take place on Thursday 24th March 2022, 10am to 11am (including time for Q&A) online via Zoom and will be hosted by:

  • Seema Islam – Peer Educator, Sleep Practitioner and family carer
  • Shona Chambers – Peer Educator, PBS Lead for Contact, Sleep Practitioner and family carer

Seema and Shona will provide advice by sharing information alongside offering personal and professional insights that can be used in practice. The focus of the webinar will be on practical things carers can do at home and where to get more information.

Book now!

This webinar is suitable for carers. It is the second event of a series with further information about future topics being published in due course!

For more information and to sign up to join the webinar session, click here.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Bild PBS team


Mar 24 2022


10:00 am - 11:00 am

More Info

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